
Confinement Potential Inside Rare Gas Plated MCM-41 Nanopores

I discuss a microscopically accurate desciption of the potential environment inside rare gas plated mesoporous silica.

Dimensional Reduction of Superfluid Helium

Realize a Tomanaga-Luttinger liquid of helium.

Theory of Liquid Film Growth and Wetting Instabilities on Graphene

Helium in quasi-one-dimensional confinement presents an excellent platform to study the emergence of a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid over a broad range of interaction strengths.

A Parameter Free Genetic Algorithm for Estimating the Dynamic Structure Factor at Zero and Finite Temperature

Discussion of an approach to the analytical continuation of imaginary time quantum Monte Carlo data.

Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of superfluid helium confined inside pre-plated nanoporous materials

Discussion of a framework for the dimensional reduction of superfluid helium using rare gas plated nanoporous material.

Graphene Films

Extension of DLP theory using quasi-two-dimensional materials.

Theory of Liquid Film Growth and Wetting Instabilities on Graphene

An extension of Dzyaloshinskii–Lifshitz–Pitaevskii (DLP) theory to include the polarization of quasi-two dimensional materials in a layered dielectric sandwich and characterizatize a class of critical wetting phenomena where film growth is arrested.

Superfluid $^4$He phases on strained graphene

Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of helium adsorbed on strained graphene yielding interesting results.

Adsorption by Design

Mechanical tuning of interaction potentials.

Adsorption by design: Tuning atom-graphene van der Waals interactions via mechanical strain

We design a framework for determining the close distance physics between a single uniaxially strained graphene sheet and adorption adatoms from long distance effects within the continuum limit.